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How to connect Django with MySQL

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Connecting our Django Project to MySQL

by Umar Qureshi

To connect MySQL as a database in our Django Project we need to install MYSQLCLIENT

  • Download the file from the above provided link or go to Click Here

  • Open the path in your command prompt where you have downloaded the file

  • Run pip install mysqlclient-1.4.6-cp38-cp38-win32.whl
    Note : if you are using virtual environment so install it under your virtual environment
    Check how to setup virtual environment in python

  • If you are using XAMPP Server start the Apache Server and MySQL

    Xampp Server

    Note down the port number on which Mysql Server is running. In my case it's 3306

  • Go to your Django Project's file

    Django Project Skeleton

  • Create a Database in your MySQL

    Creating a new Database

  • In the Databases change your database configuration to this :

    Database Configuration

  • Run "python makemigrations"

  • Run "python migrate"
    You can see your tables getting migrated to your database

    Tables after running migrate command

  • Thus by following these steps we can Connect our Django Project to MySQL using MYSQLCLIENT. If any queries you can get back to
    Hope you liked it.
    Thank You.